NYC 01:57

Currently leading the design systems team at Squarespace, John is a generalist design leader with expertise across the "full stack" of product design — from clarifying complex ecosystems and business needs to executing prototypes and production software in code.

His current focus at Squarespace is building tools and processes that enable a coherent platform experience. In other words, the "instruction manuals" to the classic design systems "lego bricks." He has also led onboarding, education and cross-team collaboration to drive new user success, and built new tools for brick & mortar business owners.

Previously John worked in Experience Strategy and Design at R/GA, building products and tech-enabled consumer experiences for the world's biggest brands.

When not drawing rectangles on screen, he’s a passionate home cook, restaurant goer, and lover of fitness, science fiction, and hikes – especially ones that end at a great place to eat.

Find him on these fine internet destinations: Instagram, Github, Linkedin.

Or send an email to johnmeguerian [at]

Designed and built by hand with the wildly unnecessary but very fun tech stack of Nextjs, Contentlayer, MDX, and Tailwind. Typeset in Berkeley Mono by Neal Panchal — "a love letter to the golden era of computing." Source code is available on Github.